Building Intel Thread Building Blocks (TBB) for Android from Windows

Posted on Sat 12 January 2019 in Review

There not much to this beyond the official instructions. Just note that the last version on the NDK I could get this to work with is android-ndk-r17c. I believe it has something to do the the removal of GCC. Thankfully you can just download that specific version as a standalone archive. I built the shared libraries with that NDK and was able to use them without issue with Apps built against the lastest NDK.

No idea if there are hidden bugs are lurking.

Build command

After extracting android-ndk-r17c excute the following build command from the jni sub folder in the TBB folder.

\Craftwork\Android\android-ndk-r17c\build\ndk-build tbb tbbmalloc compiler=clang target=android arch=intel64 tbb_os=windows --jobs 6

Other Architectures





Arm 64
